Message from the author


El Paso, New Mexico, USA
In the spring of the year I graduated from university, I visited the embankment of the Rio Grande River. The towns, and the river itself, often appear in Westerns. Upon crossing the river, I found myself in the Mexican town of Juarez.
On the opposite bank, I spotted many young Mexicans sitting around. “They’re waiting for their chance to enter America,” my American companion informed me. They had only to cross the river to set foot into a country of wealth and prosperity. Working in America was their dream. Being Japanese, the whole idea was difficult for me to comprehend.
From that time on, immigration to the US from Latin America (including Mexico) has led to various issues. Illegal immigrants take American jobs, and there are crimes that do occur. On the other hand, without the cheap labor force, the US would be in a bind. There were a ton of contradictions to unpack. The one truth everyone could agree on was that Mexico was poor, and the US was rich. What was behind this wealth gap in a place with the same landscape and climate? Was it the state or the people at fault? Perhaps it was both. I just didn’t know at the time.
This state of affairs has persisted for nearly half a century.


“I’ll build a wall on the Mexican border!”
Partially on the back of this statement, Donald J. Trump became the 45th president of the United States.
The next year, the “Caravan” became a hot button issue. A group of refugees from the poorest countries in Latin America, their homelands full of gang violence and corrupt politics. They traveled a long way towards in search of better lives. That number swelled to the thousands mark before the group reached the border.

The swelling ranks of refugees all over the world.

The problems that come with illegal immigrants and refugees are spreading to EU countries. While asylum seekers escape from civil wars and dictatorships in Africa and the Middle East in order to protect themselves and their families, the tax burden regarding refugees and the security concerns are sparking political instability across the nations of the EU. The UK’s departure from the EU was also triggered in part by the rise in immigration.
Why do people from the Middle East and Africa aim for Europe? One reason is the political instability in their countries of origin. Many people have been killed or injured due to civil strife. Another reason is the wealth gap, which has grown ever larger over the past century. People from poor countries tend to flow into rich countries. But how does this gap arise to begin with?
Other problems include high crime rates, drug cartels, and low quality education in their homelands. Moreover, corruption is widespread, and the public doesn’t trust in their governments or politicians. The police and the military are typically no better either.
Currently, the issues of immigration are spreading across the globe.

Everyone loves their homeland.

Many refugees try to cross the Mediterranean from Africa and the Middle East by boat, or to get to the EU on foot. And many lives are lost, including women and children.
It’s a matter of course—everyone loves the homeland where they were born and raised. So why must they abandon their homelands and head towards foreign lands, risking their lives in the process? It’s not as though those foreign countries will welcome them in with open arms.
“It’s in search of a better life.” “It’s to avoid the civil war in my homeland. I want to live.” “I want my family to be safe and secure.”
There may be various reasons, but the foremost is the sense that one’s life is always in danger in the homeland, and that there is no hope in sight for oneself or one’s children.

For a homeland where the children can safe and sound.

Immigrants should not have to abandon the countries where they were born and raised. They want to live in their homelands, and they want their homelands to be places where their children can grow up in safety and security. To be places their children can take pride in. They aren’t escaping to other countries, so much as they’re seeking a nation that’s easier to live in. As such, reconstructing their homelands is the best solution to the immigration/refugees crisis. No one would abandon a home-nation they can take pride in, and where they can raised their children with peach of mind.
We shouldn’t be creating walls. We need to be revitalizing people’s homelands, and tearing down the walls in our hearts.

A new democratic state.

Companies, mercenaries, scientists and economists joining forces to create a new nation, based on advanced AI. Wiping out drug cartels and defeating the dictatorship, and then aiming for a more rational and livable democratic country by way of AI. It is the establishment of a new nation that could not be accomplished during the Arab Spring. This book depicts one example of that process coming to fruition.













Through this book, therefore, Takashima is expressing the hope that a more humane immigration and refugee system exists worldwide, including in the United States, where he lived earlier in his life, not too far from the border with Mexico in southern California. 

-Robert D. Eldridge  > read more

About the Author

1949: Born in Okayama Prefecture
1973: Graduated from Keio University’s Technology department
1975: Graduated from Keio University’s Engineering graduate student course; became a research worker at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute

1978: Studied abroad in the University of California
In 1978, an article of his was carried by "Scientific Instruments vol.49"(a publication of the American Institute of Physics).The title of the article was Drive Characteristics of a Fast Movable Limiter in the JT-60 Tokamak (by T.Takashima, M.Ohta, and M.Shimizu), Division of Large Tokamak Development, Tokai Establishment, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai-Mura, Naka-Gun, Ibaraki-Ken, Japan (received 26 August 1977; in final form, 17 October 1977). A pair of fast-acting movable limiters are to be installed in the vacuum chamber of the JT-60 tokamak being designed at JAERI. Their purpose is to suppress skin current in the plasma column. They should travel across the vacuum chamber over a stroke of about 1 m in 0.1 s during the build-up phase of the plasma current. Each movable limiter system consists of the drive system, a vacuum seal, a bearing usable at high temperature in a vacuum, and a molybdenum rail limiter head. For the drive a hydraulic mechanism is used with servovalves to control the oil flow. To develop satisfactory movable limiters for JT-60, the full-scale model was constructed and tested. Overall tests with the model showed high reliability, reproducibility, controllability, and safety of the movable limiter. The drive pattern measured is in good agreement with that simulated. The movable limiters should prevent the skin effect of plasma current in the current rising phase and also provide information on particle diffusion during the flat-top phase of plasma current.

1995: Became a member of the Mystery Writers of Japan
2000: Became a member of the Japan Writer's Association
2001: Became a society director at the National Coaching School Cooperative
2007: Midnight Eagle received a film adaptation (Shochiku-Universal Pictures), which was reviewed by Matt Zoller Seitz in The New York Times

1979: Atomic Energy Society of Japan Technical Prize
1990: Yasushi Inoue & North Japan Literary Prize for Homecoming
1994: Modern Mystery Novel Newcomer Award for Meltdown
1999: Suntory Mystery Award, Grand-prix and Reader Prize for Intruder
2006: Iue Cultural Prize
2011: Kobe Culture Award
2017: Energy Forum Award for Miracle of Fukushima II Nuclear Power Plant

Ted Takashima Works already translated




Midnight Eagle

Why Crowdfunding?

Tetsuo Takashima already completed The Wall, the novel centering around the US-Mexico border wall and the problems attending the refugees from Central America. It was published in Japan in April of 2020 by Gentosha. However, Takashima originally wrote The Wall in the US. His true dream is to have the novel made into a Hollywood movie. One of his novels, Midnight Eagle, was adapted into a movie by Universal Pictures and released in 2007, but it was a Japanese movie.
We have begun making our pitch to Hollywood, but talented Hollywood workers are afraid of suspected plagiarism and refuse to accept works not published in the United States. That’s why we moved to get The Wall published in the US. The content of the novel was deemed great, and the published praised Takashima for the theme. But there was one big barrier to publishing his novels in America—the necessary translation fee. We want to get The Wall translated and published in the US, and crowdfunding will help with that.

There are two other big reasons:
1. To reach readers who might not otherwise find this book from among the deluge of books published every day.
2. To give readers a chance to pre-order the book in order to help with manufacturing costs.


All funds will go straight to the translation effort. The rewards of this project consist mainly of manuscript data, sending out the book, and reports.

[ Details will be announced later. ]

Project Timeline

June 2020
Story translated, cover illustrated, everything edited and proofread, layout crafted, printing process organized.

August 2020
Color-proofing and final check. Books begin printing.

October 2020
Books will begin shipping out to you. Coloring book will be emailed out. The Wall will be on your bookshelf.

Risk & Challenge

We have two reasons to launch The Wall with a Makuake: 
a) to reach readers who might not otherwise find this book from among the deluge of books published every day, and 
b) to get a novel by Tetsuo Takashima, an excellent Japanese writer, translated.
When you back this project on Makuake, you’re essentially making a pledge to support the book. 
The only risk is potential delays in the publication process.
As you may be aware, publishing a book is a big project, from its conception to the editing, design, proofreading, printing, binding, and distribution process. There are many places where days can be gained or lost.