"Save the world's refugees!"
"Let's create a country where children can live safely and peacefully"
The Wall:
The Refugees' Path to a New Republic
“Toward a nation in which their youngest can take pride. A nation of safety and prosperity.”
What has caused people to find themselves with no choice but to stake their lives and turn their backs on where they were born and raised?
The global refugee crisis is not just America’s problem. It’s the whole world’s.
The refugees who have fled from Africa or the Middle East, crossing the seas and walking miles upon miles toward Europe, have experienced large-scale strife, with violence and prejudice flaring up across the EU.
Through its engaging story, The Wall provides thoughts on how to resolve the global refugee crisis. It’s both a page-turner of a novel, and a message to the world.
"The Caravan”
Thousands of refugees have made the trek across Mexico toward the US border, fleeing from oppressive Central and South American regimes. And that’s not counting the many indigent Mexicans seeking to cross the border illegally in order to secure less squalid livelihoods in the wealthiest country on Earth. Yet President Trump is trying to obstruct their hopes for the future by erecting a border wall.
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The construction of new border wall being built east of Douglas, Arizona.
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President Trump's administration has promised that prototypes for a wall to be built all along the US-Mexico border will be delivered by the end of summer. But will a wall stop people smuggling and drug trafficking?
“I love my country too. I want to create a safe and prosperous country, one from which my children will never have to run away.”
The Republic of Cordova is a small country of about 100 square kilometers (about 38 square miles), located in the south of Central America. It faces the Caribbean Sea, and has several islands. Its population is only 8 million people. It gained independence from Spain in the late 1800s. The official language is still Spanish, and the capital is La Caridad. Cordova’s GDP is less than 20 billion USD, which is comparable to Tottori Prefecture’s in Japan. As the poorest country in Central America, the IMF has designated it as a Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC). Although it is a republic with a president at its head, the political situation there is unstable. In 2010, the man who was the president at the time declared a referendum on a constitutional amendment, aiming to be president for life, but the military launched a coup on the day of the vote, and Gumersindo Cortázar, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, took office as the “interim” president. Since then, Cortázar’s dictatorship has persisted. The military has 12,000 troops, 7,000 of which are armed. The country’s annual defense spending is about 300 million USD.
The so-called “caravan” of refugees from Cordova, the poorest country in Central America, is approaching the US border. The US military at The Wall attempts to fend them off, on the president’s orders. The soldiers and refugees face off, and a single gunshot rings through the tension-choked air, lighting the powder keg. The carnage leaves hundreds of casualties in its wake, and the US receives condemnation from all over the world for the “Tragedy at The Wall” while the stream of refugees from Cordova ceases due to its despot’s opportunistic propaganda.
At the Mexican border, refugees from the destitute Central American nation of Cordova march toward “The Wall.” Tensions rise to a fever pitch as the unarmed asylum seekers attempt to make it over the partition and past its US Army sentries, until, at last, a fateful gunshot. The powder keg now lit, a prolonged hail of fire yields hundreds of casualties. This atrocity would be reported the world over as the “Tragedy at The Wall.”
The press proceeds to condemn Captain Green, the border defense commander, reviling him as the “Border Butcher.” Taking responsibility, he resigns from the military, while the intense scorn and ridicule leads to the estrangement of his wife and child. He earns wages as a day laborer in order to provide child support until, one day, he’s called back into action through covert channels.
Within the Nevada desert hotel Green is whisked to lies the “War Room,” a state-of-the-art battle command center that plays host to experts in economics, politics, psychology, communications, and more. Green then becomes wrapped up in an operation to save Cordova, and America’s soul. An operation he doesn’t know he’s up for.
The mission? To train the Cordovan resistance, defeat the despot it’s fighting against, rescue the resistance leader from the concentration camp holding him, and topple the drug cartel while they’re at it. With so many hurdles and so much at stake, can the task force successfully better the world… and can the US thus atone for its heinous act of barbarism? Finally, what will become of The Wall? Coming to you from prolific thriller writer Tetsuo “Ted” Takashima, this engaging yarn presents a fresh perspective on the global refugee crisis.
“I, United States President Robert Copeland, hereby declare my intention to remove the US-Mexico border wall. This tragedy began when people were forced to turn their backs on their country, becoming refugees or illegal immigrants. Every human being has a homeland. The country their ancestors built, the country they grew up in, or where their families live. Not being able to live with pride in one’s homeland is a most tragic circumstance. The misunderstandings the Tragedy at The Wall has generated are many, and we must set them straight in short order. I promise to meet with the heads of various Latin American countries to find the solution that best serves us all. And I will flex the full extent of my power to tear down not just the wall dividing us from other nations, but also the walls we’ve erected in our own hearts.”